Why this Book?

It is understood that everyone learns differently. While some students will grasp a concept quickly, others may struggle with a section and feel overwhelmed. This is why the book is self-paced, and although there are sections and checkpoints, they are not definite places where you must reach each lesson. Wherever you feel is suitable for your child to end the lesson for the day is completely up to you.

What Makes this Book Different?

  • Large, easy to read fonts

  • QR codes linked to helpful videos

  • Only uses examples from the Qur’an

  • self-paced for ease

  • 24 worksheets to apply new skills

  • Gradual progression to build confident literacy skills in a logical sequence


Author’s Note

I began this project 8 years ago while teaching my young students Qur'an in the masjid. It started as supplemental worksheets for extra practice and grew into a binder that became our main learning tool. Soon I transitioned from the role of teacher to the role of mother, and found myself once again adding helpful tools to that binder to make it easier to teach my own children. After successfully teaching my children to read Qur'an and gaining feedback from my peers and friends, I felt confident in compiling a book that would be beneficial for teachers and parents alike.


About the Author

Sarah R. Ahmed was born and raised in Maryland. In the year 2011, she recieved her Alimiyyah degree in Islamic Studies. She has been teaching Qur'an for over 8 years in masjid and maktab programs. She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and three children and is working on other beneficial Islamic works.